Kamis, 25 Januari 2018


Meeting of the sixteenth day. As usual I wake up at 6:00 am the last day UAS and I have to really the spirit when I got to my class greeted a friend after a few minutes later the lecturer began to go in and share about UAS about making up stories I think quite difficult because I forgot to bring the dictionary after me work with the spirit finally finished and the task I collect



The fifteenth English meetings. The lecturer enters and greets the students. Good morning class, how are you today? We replied, good morning Miss, we are fine. Lecturers start today’s lesson. Mrs. Rella resumed the previously unfinished conversation assignment. One by one the group came forward.

After that Mrs. Rella gives a grid on the final exam of the semester. Grid about the technician. The student must tell about the technician at least 20 sentences, about his personality, his family, his work and so on. After giving the grille, the student asked for a picture together with Mrs. Rella because today is last day Rella taught in semester 1, we are all happy to be taking pictures with Mrs. Rella. After the photo together, Mrs. Rella closes today’s lesson.


The fourteenth English meeting. I will continue my previous story at the thirteenth meeting. Since meetings 13 and 14 are merged there is the same day because there are lecturers who do not go in and Mrs. Rella had a business on Friday the next day so the meeting had to be merged. We continue the task of having conversations for two or more people. And finally finished and went straight for the day, although there are still many my fair mistakes because we also learn and no human being escaped the error. Upon completion the lecturer thanks and leaves the classroom.


The thirteenth English meeting. The lecturer enters and greets the students. Good morning class, how are you today? We replied, good morning Miss, we are fine. Lecturers start today’s lesson. Currently no presentations Lecturers assign tasks to students to create groups of up to 2 people. His job is to create an English dialogue on work related to electrical engineering. Before we started doing the lecturers gave examples of how to make current sentences and past tense sentences from positive, negative sentences and ask questions. After finishing the students create a group and start discussing the task. I am grouped with Akhmad Eko Budianto, we started to discuss the task. Because the time is up and coincidence lecturers next did not attend so the meeting continued, so the story will be continued in the fourteenth meeting.


My 12th day meeting left home at 7:30 after I started entering the room and a few minutes later Mrs. Rella came. Part six groups are Arief Wahyuaji, Nanda Pangestu Alfiandi, Roid Helmi, Muhammad Aryandhoni and Pangestu Mukti Wibowo. become a moderator (Pangestu Mukti Wibowo). After completing their own, they immediately discussed the topic of discussion that is about "Electromagnet".

First discuss the article. Both discuss 5W + 1H questions. The third discusses both verbal and nominal sentences. The fourth discusses tenses, patern and reason. The fifth discusses active and passive sentences. And the last one discusses the translation of the article being discussed. When finished presenting, group six asked the audience, is there anyone who wants to ask? No one asked. After completion of the question and answer session, the lecturer corrects the presentation results from the first article discusses until the last one discusses the translation. Something went wrong and the lecturer asked the group of six to fix the wrong location before going to the blog. After completing the group of six cover presentations today. After that the lecturer also closed the lesson today. Thank you for your attention.

Senin, 22 Januari 2018


The meeting to the eleven parts of my group for a presentation that is me Randy nurlddyn. Ahmad, Eko Budianto. Gilang pradana. And Roni alpianto we discuss electrical engineering i.e. a graph and network theory. Although we have not yet completed a full forward and we remain at our help by friends to complement our presentation

5W + 1H

1.what is a social network analysis ?
2.where the social network analysis has emerged as a key modern techniques sociology ?
3.who gained a significant role social network analysis ? 
4.when network often seen through sociograms ? 
5.why the investigation of the structure of social through the use of the network and the graph theory ?
6.how example social structure often seen through social network analysis